Case Study

Corporate and Brand Identity

PharmaX is a top 5 pharmaceutical company in terms of revenue, and immediately prior to Hale Advisors’ engagement, there was a companywide reorganization. The DCoE had just been formed and reported up through an unrelated Franchise. There was great need to drive not only awareness of the team, but also establish the value of the new group.


Establishing the DCoE: Hale Advisors’ broad industry perspective provided value in helping the DCoE Lead evaluate different models of success for CoEs. Hale Advisors used a variety of channels over the course of six years to help communicate the structure and value of the DCoE, pivoting as necessary as the team grew and solidified its work with the brand teams. Serving as an industry expert, Hale Advisors brought organizational readiness to the DCoE and helped reduce confusion within the organization about what role the DCoE should play across the commercial business.

Agency engagement: Hale Advisors worked closely with the three PharmaX Digital AORs and with more than a dozen supporting third-party vendors and agencies as a DCoE liaison, building trust and productive relationships with these agency partners. By helping to elevate the quality and quantity of digital engagements through governance and upskilling of PharmaX marketers, these relationships resulted in greater efficiencies and results for PharmaX.

“There’s a lot of organizational resistance related to change management and getting the organization to embrace and understand digital. They really help us to do that by focusing on goal setting and program management so our focus can be on individual relationships with brands and management.”

– Member of PharmaX DCoE team

Success Metrics

Impact of the DCoE within the organization, the awareness of the group, the utilization of the services they provided and the number of new initiatives developed.

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